Monday, May 23, 2011

Good Morning!!!!! A Huge Tarantula!!!!

Check out what Carson found outside on our garage door right before he went to catch the bus to school. It is HUGE!!! I couldn't believe it. What's worse is Ben had a "Mindy Moment" and put this ugly thing into a bucket and set it free in some field!!!! I said, "What are you thinking, you don't think it can make it's way back here, if it found us once it can find us again"!!! Heaven help me if I find one of those in my house!!! Also a little tid bit everything is poisonous in Texas!!! If you don't know what a "Mindy Moment" is just ask her about the ANTS!!!

1 comment:

  1. That's so creepy!!! I am glad you were referring to my sympathy towards animals and not my "scatterbraininess." :) Although, in this instance, I think I would have been more like you than Ben (shocker, I know.) Too bad mom wasn't there....Ben, you should have sent it to my mom! Now there's a person who would have really appreciated your kind gesture. LOL
