Monday, June 8, 2009

Kaylee's Dance Recital

Kaylee had her dance recital this past Saturday and my mom was able to be there due to me having my surgery on Tuesday so she was able to fly in a little early to see Kaylee. That was a nice treat for Kaylee. She did awsome! She is a beautiful dancer and I see her continue to progress. She want to try out for the dance team next year so she is really excited for that. It was nice to get my mind on things, it was a great night. I'm sure it was nice for my family to see me out of my sweats with some makeup on. Hope you enjoy.
Click on picture to enlarge.


  1. We are thinking of you and praying for you. You kids look so cute. I hope that Texas is treating you well, I miss it there.

  2. Oh my gosh sweetie!! How are you? Well okay I now know you've been so much better. I'm so sorry to hear about what you are going through and what is to come. Please know we love you and will be thinking and praying about you! I'm so glad Stacy shared your blog! As we both's so hard to keep in touch playing phone tag. lol I've been horrible at updating my blog but still keep an eye on everyone through it.

    I can't believe how stinkin big Canyon is!! And still as handsome as ever. How are ya liking life in Texas? Your pictures just look HOT! lol

    I know we're so far away but please if there is anything we can do to help you guys, just let us know!

  3. I don't know if you remember me, but I just love your family and I was heart broken when I heard your cancer situation. Your in my prayers.

  4. Jodi, I got your blog from Brian Lloyd...crazy I know. I was shocked to hear what you are going through. You and your family are in my thoughts. What took you to Texas? Rather than catching up over the me if you get a chance.

    Thinking of you....Julie "Kendrick" Sheppard
